What: Stocklmeir's Walk-a-Thon is both a community event and a fundraiser. Students walk or run laps to win prizes and raise money for Stocklmeir Elementary School PTA. It's open to students in all grade levels.
How Does a Walk-a-Thon Fundraiser Work? Students collect donations from sponsors (often family and friends) based on the number of laps they complete or they may receive flat donations (not dependent on number of laps) from their sponsors. On the event day, students walk or run the designated course at school and the number of laps completed are tallied. Funds raised will support Stocklmeir Elementary School's arts and music programs, teachers aides, library books, technology needs, events, and more. All student participants will get a prize. And students can earn additional prizes based on funds raised and most laps completed.
When: In 2024, the Stocklmeir Walk-a-thon will be on Friday, April 26 during school hours (9am - 2:30pm) on campus with their classroom.
Fundraising: Every student has their own donation page and can continue to raise donation pledges until April 30th. Please go to 99 Pledges and search for your student's name. While door-to-door solicitation for sponsorship is an option, students can share their fundraising pages via email, social media, or text, reaching a wider audience without going door-to-door. Funds raised will support Stocklmeir Elementary School's arts and music programs, teachers aides, library books, technology needs, events, and more. All student participants will get a prize. And students can earn additional prizes based on funds raised and most laps completed.
What Kind of Rewards Are There for students participating? All students who participate will earn a medal and a popsicle. Prizes will also be awarded for most laps completed and most funds raised for the school.
Students can also earn limited edition Stocklmeir Panda logo prizes based on how much they raise - $25 (frisbee), $50 (water bottle), $100+ (baseball hat), $200+ (zippered hoodie). Students are limited to 1 of the above prizes based on the highest level of donation. But students who raise $350+ will get one of each of the prizes listed above.
The classroom that raises the most donations will get a pizza party.
For any additional questions, please reach out to our Walk-a-thon Coordinator:
If you're interested in helping volunteer for this event, reach out to our volunteer coordinator Joy Tanaka.