Membership Benefits
By becoming a member, you will be a part of the nation's largest parent group, PTA, with benefits from both Stocklmeir PTA and the National PTA. You will receive plenty of coupons and discounted rates to various locations Some of the benefits from the National PTA include:
Exclusive offers from companies such as Farm Fresh to you and Aquarium of the Pacific.
Online parenting resources, including articles from Our Children magazine.
Bulletin Boards and the PTA Great Idea Bank allow members to discuss issues and share ideas online.
E-newsletters on parenting and legislative issues such as: Local Leader News, PTA Parent, This Week in Washington.
Leadership training opportunities in-person and online.
Discounted member rate for PTA’s annual national convention, magazine subscriptions, and more.
The Member-to-Member Network, connecting you to Congress when help is needed on issues important to children, schools, and families.
Please visit Member Perks for the most up-to-date information.