
Together We Can Make A Difference - Join Today!

How to join?  

Joining is easy. Any donation over $10 automatically makes you a PTA member. You can donate via PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to donate; you may use a credit card. 

We suggest a donation of $250 per child or $400 per family to fund all the programs like Arts Instruction organized by our PTA. You can see our financials page to find out how we use the donations.

Membership does NOT require PTA meeting attendance or volunteering for events. We do encourage attending the General Assemblies to make your voice heard. We know that help comes in many forms, and would love to hear from you about other ways that you may want to contribute.

Why Join the Stocklmeir PTA?

The number one reason to join the Parent Teacher Association is to benefit your child. Your membership means participation in and support for our programs and activities. By joining, you also get an opportunity to:

Who can join the PTA?  

Membership in PTA is for EVERYONE. Anyone with an interest in helping the students of the school can become a member.

What your support does for our students:

Questions about membership? 

Please contact our VP of Membership: 

Matt Messana