March 9, 2023
HUGE THANK YOU to the amazing Panda MathFest team and volunteers. We had a great event last Friday with very good attendance and lots of fun had by kids and adults alike. We hope to host many more fun and exciting events. Please save the dates for the following:
Read-A-Thon - Thu, March 2 to Fri, March 17
Game/Book/Puzzle Collection GLC- Mon March 6- Wed, Mar 15
S.T.E.M Fair Mentoring Mtg- Thurs, March 16
S.T.E.M Fair - Thu, March 23 - Fri, March 24
Goodwill Collection- Sun, March 26
Yearbook Early Bird Price Ends- Fri, March 31
Next PTA General Association meeting: Thu, April 6th
Spelling Bee: Tue-Wed, April 25th - 26th
International FaIr - Thurs, May 18
See’s Candies: Open through Fri, Mar 24
Panda Express: Thu, March 9
Mountain Mike’s Pizza: Wed, March 15
Chick-fil-A: Tues, March 28
BJ’s Restaurant: Thurs, April 6
S.T.E.M Fair is scheduled for March 23 - 24. It will be IN PERSON this year.
Last mentoring club meeting will be on 3/16 during lunch, Rm # 30
Contact with ??s
READ-A-THON March 2- March 17
If you saw Mrs. Mommer walking around campus in her bathrobe last week, it wasn’t because she was running late for school- it was the official kick-off of our 2023 READ-A-THON!!!
Now through March 17th, we’ll be doing reading-centric activities at school and encouraging kids to read, read, read at home!
The Read-A-Thon allows kids to embrace reading, win PRIZES AND raise money for our PTA! Win, win, win!
EMBRACE READING: Each student should have received a Read-A-Thon reading log. In the log, keep track of how many minutes each day your child reads through March 17th.
WIN PRIZES- On March 17, calculate the total and submit it here (the first 500 students to submit win a Baskin Robbins ice cream cone!).
RAISE MONEY- Students should share their reading goals with friends and family so they can make donations to the Stocklmeir PTA! (Be sure they include the student’s name and classroom number when they donate, so your child gets the credit!) Raising money also means prizes! Students can win a Stocklmeir hoodie and other great stuff! This is the PTA’s biggest fundraiser of the year- we hope to fund our Arts and Music programs, along with many other initiatives, with the money we raise. This year our Read-A-Thon goal is $20,000! Any questions, please email
**Please note that if a child is not registered in Konstella, their donations are not being credited to their classroom. Register your child here. (Classrooms #1, #15, #20, #34 and #35, kids S.C., P.Y., S.M., N.W, D.W aren’t registered, so the classes aren’t getting credit!
If you use this link you can see how much each classroom has raised. You need a Konstella account with your child linked to their classroom for their donations to make this list.
Thank you to our corporate Read-A-Thon donors, Baskin Robbins, In-N-Out Burger, Chick-fil-A, Boreal Snow Tubing, Petri-dish Science, Lucky, El Pollo Loco and Golfland!!
There are so many memories to cherish this year. Don’t wait to reserve your copy of the Stocklmeir yearbook (Early bird pricing ends on March 31, 2023). The yearbook is on sale for just $20. Order yours today! School Code: StoEle23
Please contact for any questions.
The See’s Candies Spring 2023 store is open through Friday, March 24th
We can help with all your springtime candy needs! When you purchase some items (like the chocolate eggs and Hoppy Surprise Box) your Stocklmeir PTA receives as much as 50% back! Whoa!
Used Books/Games Donation Drive
March 6-15th outside the GLC, we’re collecting gently used books, games, and puzzles, which we will then be selling at the upcoming book sale in support of the Read-A-Thon and Community Service Club!
Questions? Email Joy at
March 26th Goodwill of Silicon Valley is coming to Stocklmeir! UNLOAD YOUR ELECTRONIC WASTE and other home items on Sunday, March 26th 9am-2pm in the school drop-off parking lot on Condor Way.
They’ll happily take clothing, housewares, shoes, books, jewelry, and electronics (working and non-working), printers, microwaves, vacuums, sellable furniture, small appliances, foreign currency, and baubles. (Please note, they DO NOT accept large appliances, large furniture, batteries, weapons, trash, liquids of any kind (paints, oils, alcohol, flammables, etc) or hazardous chemicals).
Calling all volunteers for the following events
S.T.E.M Fair, March 23 - 24
Goodwill Truck, March 26
Spelling Bee, April 25, 26
International Fair, May 18
Please email with any questions.
How your donation supports our students-
Outstanding Art and Music Instruction by CSMA (
Enriching Assemblies in the areas of wildlife, science, theater, history and more.
MathFest, Spelling Bee and S.T.E.M Fair
A strong sense of community at our many community events throughout the year.
Clubs and programs including Running Club, Reflections, Community Service Club, Project Cornerstone, Room Reps and more!
We are currently at 68.8% of our direct donations goal this year and need to raise $26.5K more to reach $85K. We can do it with your help!! Please give today!
We are grateful to all those who have donated time and money to the Stocklmeir PTA and contributed to the success of our wonderful school!