Room Reps

Stocklmeir's Room Rep Program

Thank you for your interest in volunteering to serve as a Room Rep for your child’s class!  A Room Rep is a very important part of our Stocklmeir community and provides volunteer services to both the teacher and the classroom.  It is both a fun and rewarding experience.

Room Reps help coordinate class parties, Breakfast and Book and Teacher Appreciation Week. A Room Rep recruits the help of other parents and delegates responsibilities.  

While a Room Rep’s main responsibility is to the teacher and class, the PTA does ask for your help to further communicate with classroom parents throughout the year. It is the Room Rep’s responsibility to communicate with the classroom parents and keep them informed. 

Room Rep training slides - here


Communicate & Engage

Coordinate & Plan

Ready to sign up to be a Room Rep?  Sign up with your teacher during Back to School night.

You can also sign up on Konstella - Committees - Room Reps